Schloss Biesdorf, Alt-Biesdorf 55, 12683 Berlin
29 June - 29 June
Exhibition, no registration required
Schloss Biesdorf
with: Universität der Künste Berlin / Fachklasse Experimenteller FIlm und Medienkunst
‘Living on the edge’: when we think of spaces we tend to think of the space within. We leave the edges — the peripheries — where instability festers and sprawls out, for the rebellious or the adventurous. In cities, living at the periphery signifies both being an insider or city-dweller, but also being an outsider; not fitting inside for economic, social, or other reasons, and therefore resigned to the edge (or the opposite — explicitly chosen to live there). Suburbia, or the Suburban Sublime. For the mind, the edge represents the grey matter — the cortex — where the higher mental processing takes place. This mental space is susceptible to being moulded dynamically by inner thoughts and external stimuli. To think about the peripheries, both in the tangible and intangible, is to explore the intersection between mind and space.
Students of the class of Prof Nina Fischer, Experimental Film and Media Art, University of the Arts Berlin, will be living and creating on the edge, both in thoughts and the periphery. The exhibition will be accompanied by a film / performance programme on June 28, 6-9 pm