Structures / Processes
Direct Democracy Ride – Learn About Berlin’s Referenda!
Bicycle tour and discussion on methods of direct democracy and the co-creation of the city
Tempelhofer Feld (Haupteingang West / S- und U-Bahnhof Tempelhof)
24 June - 24 June
Bike tour, please register
TU Berlin/ Institut für Stadt- und Regionalplanung
with: TU Berlin/ Institut für Stadt- und Regionalplanung
Students of urban and regional planning at Berlin’s Technical University have dealt with the multitude of different actors in current urban development processes. Civic initiatives play a significant role here, as they are only not valued as important intermediaries and advocates of interest between citizens and the local administration, but additionally, as protagonists of the civil protest, they highlight grievances and act as a necessary corrective in urban development policy. A number of urban initiatives use the referendum as a tool to reinforce their vision of a better city through direct democracy. At the MakeCity Festival, various Berlin referendum initiatives will be presented during a bike tour. Following this, we will discuss the opportunities and limits of conventional modes of political participation as well as new methods for urban co-production. Don’t forget to bring your bikes!
01:30 pm project presentation & discussion, Bauhütte Südliche Friedrichstadt, Besselstraße 1, 10969 Berlin
Sebastian Beck, Bundesverband für Wohnen und Stadtentwicklung (vhw), Autor des Buches “Mittler, Macher, Protestierer”
Ulrike von Wiesenau, Pressesprecherin des Berliner Wassertischs (Wasser-Volksentscheid) und Kulturressort Gemeingut in BürgerInnenhand (Volksinitiative „Unsere Schulen“)
Fadi El-Ghazi, Rechtsanwalt und Mitbegründer der Initiative »Berlin werbefrei«