Structures / Processes
Those Who Build, Make Politics
The challenge of participation in Switzerland and Germany.
Schweizersiche Botschaft, Otto-von-Bismarck- Allee 4a, 10557 Berlin
25 June - 25 June
Registration required, passport / identity card. Access to the Swiss embassy can not be granted without a confirmed registration. Registrations please:
Schweizerischer Ingenieur- und Architektenverein (SIA/CH)Netzwerk Architekturexport (NAX/D)
with: Embassy of Switzerland in Federal Republic of Germany
Incorporating user needs into planning is becoming increasingly “de rigueur”, with participation the favoured way of doing this. The accompanying processes pose various challenges for politicians, planners and building owners alike, in particular the need to raise multiple stakeholders’ awareness of the value of social sustainability; the new areas of responsibility involved for architects; and the necessity of developing new forms of cooperation. Direct and indirect democratic frameworks in Switzerland and Germany also bring with them differences in the bedrock for political participation. Matthias Daum (head of the Swiss office of the newspaper Die Zeit) will moderate a debate involving stakeholders from the planning and political arenas in these two countries. This panel discussion forms part of the international tour of the Swiss Association of Engineers and Architects SIA’s Umsicht – Regards – Sguardi 2017 awards and will take place at the Swiss Embassy, Berlin.
As the official representation of Switzerland, the embassy covers all matters concerning diplomatic relations between the two countries. It represents Swiss interests in the areas of political, economic and financial affairs, legal arrangements, science, education and culture. Admission only after registration. Please provide your personal ID.