Maarten Desmet, endeavour

Maarten Desmet (1982) is a social entrepreneur specialized in sustainability.

During his masters in Architecture he did his internship at the Ministry of Works and Human Settlement in the Kingdom of Bhutan. In 2013 he published a book on Bhutan’s ‘Gross National Happiness’, a sustainable development approach that takes into account wellbeing and its indicators.

Maarten is co-founder of For Good ( a social enterprise that makes sustainability more accessible for everyone with the help of a smartphone application.

Maarten also co-founded Endeavour ( a social enterprise that provides research, innovation and consultancy in urban planning in order to make cities more sustainable and inclusive.



Structures / Processes

Shouldn’t We All Be Developers?

With land prices sacrificed to relentless speculation, and growing criticism towards large investors who put […]




Festivalzentrum, Tschechisches Zentrum Berlin Wilhelmstraße 44, 10117 Berlin


Panel Discussion, notifiable