

Programme out May 2018

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BERLIN REMIXING is the headline for the second MakeCity festival; a city-wide event that emerges from an urban context where land speculation has caused prices to rise up to 500% since 2012, in the city’s central districts, and where the municipal government has set unprecedented goals for new build social housing units over the next years. The integration of a recently arrived migrant population, politically active civic groups negotiating new concepts for cooperative housing and mixed-use developments, and innovative concepts to integrate urban production spaces in the urban fabric: all these current developments frame the MakeCity’s urban conversation.

Berlin Remixing emerges from this context to make tangible the notion of a new social contract for cities; one that overcomes the notion of ‘top down’ vs ‘bottom up’ city planning strategies. Exemplary new coalitions, projects and processes drawn from an international scene that allow for innovation on many levels – material, process-based, in architecture and landscape urbanism, for cooperative cities – are featured during the 18 festival days.

MakeCity is resolutely trans-disciplinary; bringing together architects, urban planners, leading municipal decision makers, urban designers and makers, and civic groups that are defining innovative strategies and new coalitions for change in cities.

As a result, over 200 events – from exhibitions, workshops and excursions in cultural centres, workspaces, studios, production and maker spaces to international panels at the festival centre – have been developed by the festival’s partners. The Chamber of Architects, the Senate for Urban Development and Housing, embassies, NGOs, architecture practices, contested sites and new commercial and cooperative developments become sites for debate, discovery and exchange.

Berlin Remixing : The three key themes

Structures / Processes, examining innovative production cycles, the future of steering participatory urban planning processes, with a view to questioning the need for a social contract for cities, and new trans-sectoral alliances. The circular economy and the way in which non-linear production and re-use cycles can impact upon all our preconceived notions of urban design, lies at the heart of a fundamental ‘remix’ of urban design processes.

Urban / Nature: We will look at the fundamental effect of climate change on urban infrastructures and landscapes, the evolution of hybrids that interlink grey with green infrastructures, ways in which food production in cities is transforming the urban fabric and generating new micro-economies – and third spaces for civic engagement.

Architecture / Space: As an architecture festival, MakeCity will, of course, feature the built representation of all notions of remixing, re-thinking and re-negotiating space and form within the urban context. Ground-breaking models for wood-built urban architecture, modular systems, mixed-use developments that include ground floor spaces for production and further greater diversity and resilience on a district level. Fundamental concepts for financing cooperative developments, new models for shared ownership, cultural integration and co-living can be explored and discovered throughout the city.


Find below a preview list of those involved with the Festival. Full programme will be uploaded in mid May!



2 OG – Alte Münze Berlin | Chamber of Architects Berlin | asa studio | Heim Balp Architects | Bar Kosmetiksalon Barbette | Berlin Gallery | Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands | Department of Art and Design Weißensee College of Arts, Berlin | CLB Berlin | feldfünf – Metropolenhaus Project Spaces | HENN | Innochain | Foundation of Technology Berlin / ABB | hhpberlin Engineers for Brandschutz GmbH | Markthalle Neun | Metropolenhaus | Nanni Grau | Hof Prädikow | Network of the Regenerative City | Network of the Regenerative City: Hütten & Paläste – Arup | Nordic Embassies | Refugio – Berlin City Mission Association | Romanian Cultural Institute Berlin | Embassy of Switzerland in Federal Republic of Germany | Textile Prototyping Lab – Fab Lab Berlin | Czech Centre Berlin | Uni Hannover – Institute for Landscape Architecture – Presentation of Landscape Architecture | Uni Stuttgart – Institute of Urban Development – Open Space Design| bbzl böhm benfer zahiri berlin | BDLA Berlin Brandenburg | University of Arts Berlin – Experimental Film and Media Art Studies| University of Arts Berlin – Faculty of Design – Institute of Architecture and Urban Development

Studio Talks

A24 Landschaft | AFF Architects | bfstudio-Architects GbR | BuroHappold Engineering | c-b-a | dan pearlman Group | Design for the Living World at HFBK University of Fine Arts Hamburg and the Department of Architecture – University of Thessaly | Die Baupiloten BDA | DMSW Architects | MSW Architects with Urbatop (DMSW) | roedig | schop Architects | sieglundalbert Architects | büro 1.0) | Eike Becker_Architects | European Network Architecture for Health gGmbH | Flussbad Berlin e.V. | GRAFT Society of Architects mbh | Heim Balp Architects | Holzer Kobler Architecture Berlin GmbH | HS Architekten | Hybrid Space Lab | IMKEWOELK and Partner | Justus Pysall | Architect | KOBA by KOBAKANT | Konzulát Studios | LOBE Block | Natural Building Lab TU Berlin | Netzwerk DieNachwachsendeStadt | Rosario Talevi | rundzwei Architects; Reeg & Dufour Architects Part GmbB | Sarah Rivière Architect – RIBA | Sauerbruch Hutton | Something Fantastic | Thomas Kröger Architects | Topotek 1 Society for Landscape Architects mbH | United Sustainability Holding GmbH | University of Arts Berlin – Chair of Design and Building Construction | Prof. Bettina Götz | Urban Transcripts | Association of the Promotion of Arts and Culture at Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz e.V. | Wilk-Salinas Architects

MakeCity Open Tours

:mlzd | ARGE H6: roedig.schop Architects and sieglundalbert | ARGE ifau | HEIDE & VON BECKERATH | Axel Springer SE | Axel Springer Services & Real Estate | BAYNATNA – The Arabic Library in Berlin | Atelier Fanelsa | Berliner Ensemble – O&O Architecture | German Association of Landscape Architects (BDLA) | Berlin-Brandenburg National Committee | Christopher Dell with ANCB The Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory | dan pearlman Group | European Cultural Heritage Summit | Flussbad Berlin e.V. | Gewobag Housing Corporation Berlin | Guerilla Architects | hg merz | Hütten & Paläste | Industriesalon Schöneweide | Infarm GmbH | Centre for Child Research HELLEUM | KINDL – Centre for Contemporary Arts | kleine baumeister – URBAN | Le voyage métropolitain | LOBE Block | Ludloff Ludloff Architects BDA | Markthalle Neun | Martin Kaltwasser | plus4930 Sierig Geddert Krüger | Poligonal – Office for Urban Communication | Praeger Richter Architects | Quartiermeister – korrekter Konsum GmbH | querstadtein | Stadtsichten e.V. | roedig.schop Architects | ROOF WATER-FARM c/o TU Berlin | FG Urban Development and Human Settlement| Sauerbruch Hutton | Senate Administration for Urban Development and Housing and Tempelhof-Schöneberg District| Technical University Berlin – Institute for City and Regional Planning – Planning Theory and Analysis of Municipal Politics | vhw Federal Association for Urban Development | zanderrotharchitekten gmbh

Festival Centre


Berlin Partner | German Federation of Landscape Architects (BDLA) | Goethe Institute | hhpberlin Engineers for Brandschutz GmbH | Czech Centre Berlin | TSPA – Thomas Stellmach Planning and Architecture

Invited Speakers ­­

Katrin Lompscher (GER), City Development and Housing Senator (tbc) | Lenka Bugerová (CZ) Councilwoman for Urban Development of Prague | Antje Kapek (GER), Parlimentary Chairwoman Bündnis90/Grüne | Tina Saaby Madsen (DK), Chief City Architect of Copenhagen | Mayo Fuster Morell (ESP/CAT), Director of research on collaborative economy at Dinmmons at the Internet Interdisciplinary Institut of the Open University of Catalonia (tbc) | Mary-Ann Schreurs (NL), Vice-Mayor, City of Eindhoven | Paula Verhoeven (NL), Manager Rotterdam Climate Initiative (tbc) | Michel Bauwens (BE), Founder of Peer 2 Peer Foundation, A Commons Transition Plan for the City of Ghent | Daniela Patti and Levente Polyak (HUN/IT), Editors of “Funding the Cooperative City” | Miguel Correia de Brito (PT), Head of Local Development Department, Lisbon | Ana Džokić and Marc Neelen (NL), STEALTH, Stad in the Maak / City in the Making (tbc) | Aurea Leszczynski Vieira Gonçalves (BR), Manager SESC São Paulo | Carlos Muñoz Sánchez (ESP), cAnicca [a+d+u] | Florian Schmidt (GER), City Councillor for Building and Construction, Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg | Pietro Vicari (IT), Palestra Populare Quarticciolo | Kai Vöckler (GER), Urbanist, Founding member of Archis Interventions | Jean-Philippe Vassal (FR), Lacaton & Vassal Architects, Professor at UDK Berlin | Lene Damsbo Brix (DK), Lendager Group Architect (tbc) | Jonas Norsted (NO), Architect and Partner at Atelier Oslo (tbc) | Eva Prats (ESP/CAT), Flores & Prats, Sala Beckett | Ulrike Rothe (GER), Project Leader IBA Thüringen – Her(r)bergskirchen | Floris Schiferli (NL), Superuse Studios (tbc) | Siv Helene Stangeland (NO), Helen & Hard, Grimstad Library | Florentine Sack (GER), Architect, theorist, publicist, open house | Anupama Kundoo (IN/ESP), Anupama Kundoo Architects | Daniel Büning (GER), NowLab @BigRep | Selen Ercan (CH/SG), Research assistant at the SEC-FCL Singapore, Chair for Architecture and Digital Fabrication, ETH Zurich | HG Merz (GER), Architect, Staatsoper unter den Linden/ Nachhallgalerie | Caitlin Mueller (US), Director of Digital Structures and Assistant Professor in the Building Technology Program at MIT | Eike Roswag-Klinge (GER), Architect and Professor at TU Berlin | Martin Tamke (DK), Architect and Associate Professor at CITA (tbc) | Mollie Claypool (UK), Historian, theorist and critic of architecture, The Bartlett (tbc) | Sabine Junginger (GER), Fellow at Hertie School of Governance | Christoph Catsaros (FR), Project coordinator “Permis de Faire” | Sarah Dallas Prosser (NO), Tøyen Unlimited | Marcos García (ESP), MediaLab Prado | Nina Timmers (UK), Lab Director at Participatory City Foundation | Anette Væring (DK), Project manager and Designer at Mind Lab | Teresa Dillon (UK), Future City, Bristol | Nicole Kerstin Berganski (GER), NKBAK | Martin Fröhlich (GER), AFF Architects | Zvi Hecker (IL/GER), Architect, Jewish School in Berlin | Markus Lang (FIN), Future Classroom Ambassador at the Future Classroom Lab of the European Schoolnet / Finnish National Agency for Education | Riina Palva (FIN), VERSTAS | Dan Stubbergaard (DK), COBE (tbc) | Niklas Maak (GER), FrankfurterAllgemeine Zeitung (tbc) | Lykke Leonardsen (DK), Head of Climate Unit City of Copenhagen (tbc) | Florian Boer (NL), Environmental Designer, DE URBANISTEN | Duzan Doepel (NL), Doepel Strijkers | Nadine Kuhla von Bergmann (GER), Founder & Managing Director of Creative Climate Cities | Hannes Schwertfeger (GER), Bureau Baubotanik | Elizabeth Sikiaridi (GER), Hybrid Space Lab | Godofredo Pereira (UK), Architect and Researcher, Royal College of Art, Paul Citron (FR), Plateau Urbain – Les Grand Voisins Temporary use of former hospital, Paris | Siemen Cox (NL), Tropicana RotterZwam | Denisa Kera (CZ/IL), Philosopher and Designer | Jan Mazur (SK), Stará Tržnica, an Old Market Hall in Bratislava | Florian Niedermeier and Nikolaus Driessen (GER), Markthalle Neun (tbc) | Joanne Pouzenc (GER/FR), Curator and Architect | Marco Casagrande (FIN/NO), Professor at Bergen School of Architecture, Casagrande Laboratory | Minouche Besters (NL), Partner STIPO, urban development, urban social innovation | Dimitri Hegemann (GER), Co-Founder of Tresor Club Berlin (tbc) | Karen Klessinger (GER), Dan Pearlman, Architect and Expert of Destination Development | Elena Schütz (GER), Something Fantastic | Lina Steeruwitz, Pascal Thirion (AT), Architect, StudioVlayStreeruwitz, project Nordbahnhof Wien (tbc) | Angelika Schnell (GER), Architect, Professor at Akademie der Bildenden Künste Wien | Anna Bernegg (GER), Urban Catalyst (tbc) | Theresa Hyuna Hwang (US), Community Designer, Skid Row Housing Trust | Eva de Klerk (NL), Initiator of the redevelopment of the shipbuilding yard NDSM (tbc) | Manfred Kühne (GER), Senate Administration for Urban Development of Berlin (tbc) | Renée Tribble (GER), Freelance Planner, HCU Hamburg | Bernd Zimmermann (US) and Jessica Clemente (GER), We Stay/Nos Quedamos (tbc) | Gilly Karjevsky (GER), Independent Curator | Roger Zogolovitch (UK), Architect, Developer, Author | Maarten Desmet (BE), Architect and founder of social enterprise For Good and NDVR | Cristina Gamboa (ESP/CAT), Architect, LaBorda | Stephen Hill (UK), CLT Networks trustee | Britta Jürgens (GER), Deadline Architects | Werner Landwehr (GER), Regional manager of GLS Bank Berlin (tbc) | Olivia Reynolds (GER), Artist and Developer of Atelierhaus LOBE Block | Raber Umphenour (US), Midway Artist Collective Boston | Kristien Ring (GER), Architect and Founder of AA Projects | Camillo Boano (UK), UCL Urban Laboratory, The Bartlett Development Planning Unit | Hubert Klumpner (CH), Professor ETH Zürich, Urban Think Tank | Marc Frohn (GER), FAR frohn&rojas | Britta Jürgens (GER), Deadline Architects | Marc Koehler (NL), Marc Koehler Architects | Xander Vermeulen Windsant (NL), XVW Architecture | Doris Kleilein (GER), Programme director at Jovis Verlag GmbH (tbc) | Katharina Borsi (UK), Assistant Professor at the Department of Architecture and the Built Environment, University of Nottingham (tbc) | Joachim Declerck (BE), Architect, Founding Partner AWB (tbc) | Arild Eriksen (NO), Architect, Founder of Fragments | Tom Hansing (GER), Project Advisor, Foundation Anstiftung | Friedrich Passler (AT), Architect AllesWirdGut, Seestadt Aspern | Anna Popelka (AT), PPAG Architects | Annet van Otterloo (NL), Freehouse Foundation Afrikaanderwijk Coop | Ali Saad (GER), Bureau Ali Saad – Architecture Urbansim, TU Berlin | Francesca Bria (ESP/CAT), Chief Technology and Digital Innovation Officer at the Barcelona City Council (tbc) | Tomas Diez Ladera (ESP), Fab City Research Lab, IAAC | Masha Galic (NL), Researcher, PhD Fellow Tillburg University | Nicole Srock-Stanley (GER), Co-Founder of the Dan Pearlman Group | Jean-Paul Viguier (FR), Architect, Start-Up Ecosystem | Linda Vlassenrood (NL), Programme leader DATAstudio | Nicolay Boyadjev (RU), Education Programme Design Tutor at Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design, Moscow | Amelie Deufelhard (GER), Director Kampnagel Theater, Hamburg | Pietje-Helene Gottwald (GR), City Plaza Refugee Accommodation and Solidarity Center in Athens | Cyrille Hanappe (FR), Shelter in displacement (Forced Migration) / Leçon de Calais 11 Prototypes for Emergency Situations | Momoyo Kaijima (JP/CH), Architect, Atelier Bow-Wow | Dominique Peck (GER), Urban Design, Academic staff member at HafenCity Universität Hamburg | Julia von Schick (GER), Refugio Sharehouse Berlin | Tia Korpe (FR/SE), Founder & Director of Future Female Sounds | Daniel Dahm (GER), Scientist, Entrepreneur, Performer | Verena von Beckerath (GER), Architect, HEIDE & VON BECKERATH | Frauke Burgdorff (GER), Burgdorff City Agency for Cooperative Urban Development | Barbara König (GER), Chair of Genossenschaftsforum e.V | Manfred Kühne (GER), Senate Administration for Urban Development of Berlin | Stephan Reiß-Schmidt (GER) Former City Director and Head of Urban Development Planning, Munich | Olaf Grawert (GER), ARCH+ (tbc), …