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CoHousingBerlin replaces Wohnportal!
A housing platform 3.0
Spreefeld, Wilhelmine-
Gemberg-Weg 10
10179 Berlin
id22: Institute for Creative Sustainability Winfried Härtel Projektentwicklung
German, English
Spreefeld can be described using terms you don’t often hear in the same sentence: quality, affordable, housing in Berlin. A cooperative undertaking managed by a group called die Zusammenarbeiter, architects BARarchietcts, fatkoehl, and Silvia Carpanteo have established an innovative development on the much-speculated-over banks of the Spree. Embodying the DIY spirit of Baugruppen that were active in Kreuzberg during the 1980s, the three buildings comprise communal facilities that can be used and voted upon by the residents themselves. The 44 apartments themselves vary in size – from 54m2 right up to 705m2 for a group – but all are take the notion of shared living as the starting point for their design.
CoHousingBerlin is replacing Wohnportal. The new platform for networks, trends and ideas about collective housing, living and sharing goes online, made in Berlin but for the use of the world. We invite all friends, colleagues and co-workers to celebrate the launch with us. There will be champagne, snacks and opportunities for entertaining conversations. Michael LaFond, Winfried Härtel and team are happy to welcome you!
Booking [ssba]