© Kleine Baumeister
Urban Commons | Urban Open Source

Construction areas, Museum and public spaces
How much space do we have in Berlin Mitte?
Berlin Museum Inseln
Vor der Freitreppe des Alten Museum
On our interactive family tour we are exploring and investigating the conditions of the urban area of Berlin’s world-famous Museum Island, which lies between the Schlossplatz and the Monbijoupark. Questions on the agenda include: what is attractive about the area? And what is not? Where are the area’s public spaces and how are they used? What else might be needed here for the children and families who visit? During the tour we will draw, document and evaluate – leaving our mark upon this most historic piece of Berlin’s city space.
A Family expedition for Children +5 years.
Register: info(at)kleinebaumeister.de
Booking [ssba]