21 Jun

© ludloff + ludloff

Urban Open Source

Building with no ground

Inheritable building rights – the future of urban planning? urban planning life


ludloff + ludloff Bernauer Straße 5d 10115 Berlin

ludloff + ludloff



According to the “Erbbaurecht” principle, you don’t necessarily need to own the ground you build upon. Inheritable building rights, also known as Erbpacht create a distinction between house owners and ground owners. Does this gap represent the perfect testing ground for future approaches to urban planning? As a result of this process 16 houses were erected in Bernauerstraße – amongst them Haus FL by ludloff+ludloff Architekten. The building-contractors were able to realise the dream of owning property on the former death strip that divided the city, thanks to the concept of Erbbaurecht. This Studio Talk will explore the potential of such an approach in a time of rising ground prices.

Register: makecity(at)ludloffludloff.de

Thomas Schlepfer Departementssekretär im Finanzdepartement der Stadt Zürich, "Erbbaurechtspolitik der Stadt Zürich"
Andrej Schindler Stiftung Trias, "Erwerben ohne zu spekulieren"
Dr. Andrej Holm "Städtische Konflikte um Aufwertung und Verdrängung"
Claus Käpplinger architecture critic
Booking [ssba]