© Andrew Alberts
Urban Open Source | Urban Living & Working

Model Living
Open Co-Housing in R50
Baugruppenprojekt R50
Ritterstraße 50
10969 Berlin
ifau und Jesko Fezer | HEIDE & VON BECKERATH
English, German
It’s very like that many Berliners would enjoy living in R50: the building-group project, intiated by ifau office and Jesko Fezer | Heide & von Beckerath was realised it in close cooperation with the city’s inhabitants. It’s a model development in many ways: providing affordable living with a high level of adaptability and flexibility, taking a clear position with regards to what urban planning can and should be, whilst exemplifying a robust yet precise, detailed form of architecture which suits both individual and collective process of acquisition.
During this Open House, the flats and common areas of R50 will be open for visitors –with games and a barbecue taking place in the garden.
No Registration Required [ssba]