Urban Open Source | Urban Living & Working

Spree-City Charlottenburg
The Rescue of the Sixties
15:00 - 18:00
Berlin Pavillon/Burger King
Str. am 17. Juni 100
near U Tiergarten
10557 Berlin
Ticket B
The “Hansaviertel”, once a showcase project that came from 1957’s International Building Exhibition, has become a quieter place in recent years, finding favour primarily with two groups: young families and urban planning enthusiasts. This tour will examine two examples of sustainable redevelopment that bringing a new sense of vitality to the area. The first, Siegmundshof, is a student housing block renovated in 2008 by the Berlin-based architectural office Die Baupiloten. HG Merz Architects, well-known for their museum designs, have assumed renovation duties for the second: Ludwig Leo’s famous “Umlauftank”, built for the nearby Technical University.
A tour with:
Susanne Hofmann, Die Baupiloten
Max Grapp, Die Baupiloten
Stefan Motz, HG Merz
Register: mco(at)ticket-b.de
Booked out [ssba]