Josef Kaiser, Großhügelhaus, Collagierte Perspektive: Dieter Urbach, 1971
© Michael Kaiser, Dieter Urbach, Berlinische Galerie
Urban Commons | Urban Living & Working

Radically Modern: Symposium
Verflechtungen: Urban Planning and Architecture in 1960's Berlin
10:00 - 17:00
Berlinische Galerie
Alte Jakobstr. 124–128
10969 Berlin
Berlinische Galerie. Landesmuseum für Moderne Kunst, Fotografie und Architektur
The Berlinische Galerie is one of the newest museums in the German capital and collects art from Berlin dating from 1870 to the present day – with both a local and international focus. Its outstanding collections include Dada Berlin, the Neue Sachlichkeit (New Objectivity) and the Eastern European avant-garde. The art of the divided and reunified city of Berlin provides another focus.
Destroyed in the Second World War and divided by the Wall, Berlin experienced a veritable construction boom during the 1960s. Inspired by the spirit of a new beginning and technological euphoria, urban planners and architects designed radical new cityscapes for a modern society. Often unjustly criticized as inhumane or unsightly, important examples from this period of architecture have often already been torn down, disfigured by later alterations, or are threatened with demolition today. The exhibition for the first time takes a look at the context of this architecture’s emergence, examining formal aspects and underlying international influences on the architecture developed in both East and West Berlin.
Roughly 300 works by more than 30 architects, planning offices, photographers, artists and filmmakers will be presented. Amongst the architects are: Werner Düttmann, Fehling + Gogel, Walter Gropius, Georg Heinrichs, Josef Kaiser, Roland Korn, Ludwig Leo, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Klaus Müller-Rehm, Ulrich Müther, Hans Scharoun, Manfred Zumpe. Amongs the artists are: Thomas Bruns, Evol, Beate Gütschow, Doug Hall, Karsten Konrad, Arwed Messmer, Bernd Trasberger, Friederike von Rauch, Stephen Willats.
In the context of the exhibition, the academic conference “Verflechtungen” will be held on Friday, 26 June 2015, 10am – 5pm, by the Technische Universität Berlin (Department of Art History) and the Leibniz Institute for regional development and structural planning (IRS), Erkner in collaboration with the Berlinische Galerie, and will enhance and complement the content of the exhibition.
Christoph Bernhardt, Andreas Butter, Thilo Hilpert, Thomas Köhler, Monika Motylinska, Wolfgang Pehnt, Martin Reichert, Thomas Topfstedt, Stephanie Warnke-De Nobili and Kerstin Wittmann-Englert.