Tempelhof's City Library © de Winder
Urban Commons | Urban Open Source

A new Centre for Tempelhof
Awakening a dormant neighbourhood
15:00 & 16:30
Rathaus Tempelhof
(main entrance)
Tempelhofer Damm 165
12099 Berlin
Glockenweiß & de Winder Architekten
In the area behind Tempelhof’s town hall, nestled within an overgrown and all-but-forgotten tract of land, sits a cluster of amenities: a library, a swimming pool, garden allotments and parking space. Glockenweiß and deWinder Architekten have rethought Alt-Tempelhof, proposing to bring new life this unloved part of the district’s urban fabric, making use of its undefined open areas. With a plan that includes a covered weekly market, a new library location, a small wooded area to tempt wildlife population and the turning of allotments into public space, this tour will introduce the remodelled centre of Tempelhof as a meeting place for all.
Register: christopher.weiss(at)glockenweiss.de
Booking [ssba]