24 Jun

© IfuH

Urban Living & Working

Institut für urbanen Holzbau

Urban Wood Works

Experts explains why wooden architecture is not just barking up the wrong tree


Tschechisches Zentrum Berlin Wilhelmstraße 44 / Eingang Mohrenstraße 10117 Berlin



This HUB discusses the current positions on urban use of wooden buildings: a lecture by the Institut für urbanen Holzbau (IfuH) showcases the trends and features of this construction method. One of Germany’s largest construction companies, Züblin, has also entered the wooden building market. Experts from the field of turnkey wooden house construction will explain the transition from concrete to wood. Representatives of HOWOGE, Berlin’s biggest housing association, will focus on the question why this natural building material has not yet found its way into residential construction. How does the housing market relate to the challenges of a sustainable construction process? Construction examples and building material samples can be experienced in the accompanying exhibition.

Further information here (in German)!

Register: info(at)ifuh.org

The moderator Veronika Brugger works in the fields of culture and politics. Sie advises on and creates communcation processes on the subjects of architecture, building culture and urban development.


Bernhard Specht, Züblin.
Stefan Schautes, HOWOGE.
Daniel Rozynski, Rozynski_Sturm Architekten.
Philipp Koch, Atelier PK Architekten.
Eike Roswag, Ziegert | Roswag | Seiler.
Christoph Roedig, roedig . schop architekten.

Booking [ssba]