25 Jun

© ECF Farmsystems Berlin

Urban Living & Working

Factory Farming

Post-industrial creativity at Tempelhof


Malzfabrik - ECF Farmsystems Bessemerstr. 2-14 12103 Berlin

Malzfabrik - ECF Farmsystems

German, English


Calling an ensemble of post-industrial brick buildings in Tempelhof home – once one of the largest malthouse in Europe – Malzfabrik offers space for tenants who wish to make the most of an atmosphere that cultivates creativity whilst promoting sustainability. The recently installed ECF Farmsystem can be found on a plot next door additionally bought by Malzfabrik, which makes use of Aquaphonics (a method that suits both rural and urban locations equally) to rear fish and grow vegetables together, as part of a sustainable, integrated system. Join architects ioo Elwardt & Lattermann for a tour of Malzfabrik whilst the team from ECF Farmsystem will guide visitors through their premsises.

16h00 Begrüssung durch Frank Sippel – Hof/Malzkabinett – wetterbedingt

16h30 Vorstellung der Architekten – Hof/Malzkabinett – wetterbedingt

16h45 Rundgang übers Malzfabrik Gelände

17h15 Besuch ECF Farm

18h00 Frage / Antwort Runde and die Gastgeber

Register: cb(at)malzfabrik.de

Booking [ssba]